Hellish Heaven
Why would man never be satisied with Plato's Utopia? because of greed and luxury, he argues. Men are not content with a simple life; they are acquisitive, ambitious, competitive, and jealous. They soon tire of what they have, and pine for what they have not; and they seldom desire anything unless it belongs to others.
Isn't Heaven as it is described to us a Utopia of the sort. A garden where everything is served, all the physical needs. How are the other human needs served in Heaven though; power, ambition, competiteveness, self-esteem? or is part of being in Heaven, is that our needs change, we become content by having everything we can imagine. We seek nothing further, we have answers to all our questions, and we are fulfilled. Then my old question comes back to life; for how long? what kind of a heaven is this, where we do nothing, seek nothing, get everything, look-forward for nothing, happy with everything! For how long is that sustainable? For how long can we call that Heaven? for how long can we bare that? That is certainly not a humanly heaven. Humans would not be content with that. Life on Earth can easily turn to such a Utopia if that's all we humans need. But as Plato rightly noted, it never arrives.
Heaven then is not for us Humans as "we" are. It is a heaven for different beings. For beings that can be content by the heavenly fullfilment of their needs. It is a heaven for pure souls maybe. Souls that God collects back. Souls that can be one again with the One. So it is not a heaven for us, but for Him. Were do we go though, the remaining of us, our impurities: we go to hell.
Can Hell really be fire and pain. Endless pain. How would that be different than life? When we go to Hell, and in our endless suffering, do we ever try to improve our status there, reduce the pain, question why we went there, look for ways to turn off the fire? Do we become believers then. Will we see that sign, or like the many signs before it in life, we'll choose not to. If we don't, won't we work hard to change our destinies to get out of Hell. Does it remain Hell then, or another form of life? If we do see the sign and believe, do we get that one last chance to move to Heaven --where its really a heaven for us, but for a different part of our beings. If we remain there, accepting the endless pain, do we turn it by that into another form of heaven?
We are not reincarnated the same. We become different, and our needs and definitions must be different. So, will "I" be pleased or agonized in the hereafter, or some other form of me, and how do I relate to that thereafter then? What will be the definition of pain then? the fact of infinity?