Critique of Hosni's sitcom
You didn't forget Samir Ragab, did you? Well, he's finally starting to criticize Hosni Mubarak. Now I know that the path to democracy has started. Here's his harsh criticism:
اسمح لي أن أختلف معك ـ ربما للمرة الأولي منذ أن توليت قيادة هذا البلد عام 1981 ـ لأن إنجازاتك هي كتابك الذي حملته بيمينك ودونت في كل صفحة من صفحاته المضيئة بالعمل. والعلم. والاجتهاد. والتعب.. سجلاً حافلاً يشهد التاريخ بعظمته وروعته.
كيف تقدم برنامجاً انتخابياً.. والناس في عصرك لم يتمتعوا بالأمان والأمن. والاستقرار.. إلا وأنت معهم وهم معك.. طعامك طعامهم.. شرابهم شرابك.. مصيركما واحد.. وآمالكمـا مشـتركة.. إذا جاءهم يوماً من يحاول أن يقض مضاجعهم.. تكون أول من يبادر باجتثاث جذور الشر من أجل أن يعم الخير.. وأن يهنأ المجتمع.. صغيره قبل كبيره.. ومعارضه قبل مؤيده.. وفقيره قبل ثريه
بقلم: سمير رجب
Here's the translation for those who don't know what criticism means.
I say to President Mubarak today:
Allow me to disagree with you, maybe for the first time since you took responsibility to lead this country in 1981, because your achievements is your book that you held with your right hand, [b]logging in every page of its pages that is shinning with knowledge, hard work, and effort, a record that history will witness its greatness and awesomeness.
How can you provide an elections campaign program, and people in your era did not enjoy safety, security, and stability, except with you being with them and they with you.. your food is their food.. their drink is your drink.. one destiny for both of you.. shared hopes.. If someone tries to disrupt their peace of mind, you are the first to dismantle the roots of evil in order for goodness to spread.. and for the society to become joyous.. its weak before its powerful.. and its opposition before its allies.. and its poor before its rich.
Why are doing to us what your friend is doing to you?
On a different but related note, did you see that brilliant 'mubarakelectioncampaign2005' powerpoint slide show? The one where you get to choose between a yes and no vote for mubarak?
Yes I did. The idea was stolen from a similar one about the Bush & Gore elections mocking the Florida ballots. Happens everywhere I guess!!
hey can u forward me that powerpoint about mubarakelectioncampaign2005 please. my email is assem.memon(at)
Still alive folks. Thanks Two for the pointer.
Yup, lost my site again. Still investigating whodunnit with the host, will keep you guys posted.
Damn. This really sucks. Always backup man. Waiting for you to come back. Blogsome is good.
I have a backup, except it isn't that recent and I usually do a db backup, but keep it stored on the site - I never suspected someone would actually get past what security I had in place to a point where he/she/it could delete all the files ya3ni.
Plus the fact that the backup I do have is not platform independent :D
Samir Ragab is among the most repulsive, if not the most repulsive bootlickers i have ever ecountered in my whole life...while not in support of foreign intervention to invoke the tsunami of demcoracy and governance in this region-or any- that said, i would highly recommend for any force planning to invade to have occupying El Gomhoria newspaper and the Egyptian Gazzettee on their priorty list...
I think foreign forces would find it tough to occupy such a big fancy castle of freedom, filled with such experienced bootlickers.
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